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The All in @10 program guides students through a minimum of 10 steps each year to become college ready.

Senior Year:

  • Attend all classes with a positive lens and growth mindset.
  • Meet with the 12th grade College Advisor each quarter to discuss academic and career goals. 
  • Visit at least 4 college campuses and attend 10 college rep visits. 
  • Attend at least one college fair. Great options: NACAC, CABUCA, or DPCR’s annual college fair. 
  • Participate in College Application Blitz, apply to 10-12 best-fit colleges and meet with the 12th grade College Counselor bi-weekly to discuss college application lists.
  • Create a student and parent FSA ID to complete and submit FAFSA.
  • Complete at least 20 outside scholarship applications.
  • Meet with the 12th grade College Counselor weekly to discuss all financial aid award letters.
  • Complete Senior College Clearance form and review with 12th grade College Counselor and the Director of Graduate Success.
  • Become an advocate for oneself in post-secondary plans.
Bonus: Meet with Ms. Ranz Director of Graduate Success, before you go leave for college in the fall.