Presenting Sponsor $20,000
- Recognition on invitation, event catalog, social media and promotional materials as Presenting Sponsor
- Individual/Company name displayed on two tables
- Tickets for 16 guests (8 guests per table)
- Name listed on front cover of event catalog
- Full page ad in event catalog
- Exclusive bartending service at your table during Rey of Light
- Premier wine for your table
- Special floral centerpiece as gift to take home
Diamond Sponsor $15,000
- Recognition on invitation, event catalog, social media and promotional materials as Diamond Sponsor
- Individual/Company name displayed on table
- Tickets for 10 guests (10 guests per table)
- Full page ad in event catalog
- Exclusive bartending service at your table during Rey of Light
- Premier wine for your table
- Special floral centerpiece as gift to take home
Platinum Sponsor $10,000
- Recognition on invitation, event catalog, social media and promotional materials as Platinum Sponsor
- Individual/Company name displayed on table
- Tickets for 10 guests (10 guests per table)
- Half page ad in event catalog
- Exclusive bartending service at your table during Rey of Light
- Special floral centerpiece as gift to take home
Gold Sponsor $5,000
- Recognition on invitation, event catalog, social media and promotional materials as Gold Sponsor
- Individual/Company name displayed on table
- Tickets for 10 guests (10 guests per table)
- Quarter page ad in event catalog
- Special floral centerpiece as gift to take home
Silver Sponsor $3,500
- Recognition on invitation, event catalog, social media and promotional materials as Silver Sponsor
- Individual/Company name displayed on table
- Tickets for 10 guests (10 guests per table)
- Special floral centerpiece as gift to take home
Table Sponsor $1,500
Individual/Company name displayed on table
Tickets for 8 guests (8 guests per table)
Listed in event catalog as Table Sponsor
For more information, contact: Lisa Muething at lisa.muething@dpcr.net or 513.861.0600.